In addition to providing your software, NTI Diatec have a consultancy team that can support with your software implementation and processes
Our consultancy services ensure you and your organisation get the maximum return on your investment from day one, we can help make sure you install, configure and use the software to best suit your organisations design processes, or even re-engineer your processes to get the best from the software you have purchased. We also have significant experience with implementing BIM within many AECO organisations.
Using our consultancy services mitigate project delivery risk, we can support you and your teams, making sure you are set up to work on and deliver projects as quickly as possible with your software investment.
discover your winning solution
We offer 3 standard packages for consultancy, but we are happy to deliver bespoke services that meet your business needs.
Ready to Maximize Your Software Investment?
NTI Diatec can advise you on these issues and others impacting your business.
We have a track record of over 30 years’ experience in helping our clients plan and deliver their business strategy, working as partners to deliver business change, implement new software solutions and train and enable staff to realise the benefits.
This ensures that you maximise the returns on your investment and realise the return on that investment as quickly as possible.
We can also help you understand the impact of digital transformation and BIM implementation on your business, how to implement them, and tips on risk management strategies.
Contact us today and start exploring how we can support your projects and grow your business.