Forma is a cloud-based AI software that empowers developers to assess and develop sites faster, smarter, and more collaboratively. Whether it’s for site acquisition or site development, work with the confidence that you’ve made the most of every single plot. Autodesk Forma empowers architects and urban planners to plan sites and develop early-stage designs faster, smarter, and more collaboratively. Deliver comprehensive feasibility studies with the confidence that you’ve explored the best options for every site. Autodesk Forma is available as part of the Autodesk AEC Collection. Arrange a presentation with one of our consultants and see what Autodesk Forma can do for your business.
- Operational Energy - Explore the impacts of building design choices on energy consumption of HVAC, lighting, & plug-loads while you’re designing.
- Microclimate - Improve urban site design & outdoor thermal comfort through micro-climate analysis.
- Solar Energy - Assess rooftop renewable energy potential of
photovoltaic panel systems. - Sunlight - Analyse the percentage of hours of direct sunlight on building façades & ground surfaces.
- Natural Light - Visualise access to natural light in context with the surrounding buildings & environment.
- Wind - Wind analysis illustrates building & site-influences on localised air flow patterns.
- Noise - Understand how noise impacts external surrounding conditions to evaluate potential risk of acoustic discomfort.
- Views - Visualise occupant sight lines & measure distances of exterior views & points of interest.