Our industry-qualified technical teams can support you through your digital transformation journey. We implement Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) technologies daily and can bring that experience to your project.

NTI Diatec is an Autodesk Elite Construction Partner, one of only 10 such partners in Europe. Our industry-qualified technical teams can support you through your digital transformation journey.

Our teams implement Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) technologies daily and can bring that experience to your project.

Who Benefits from ACC Platform Implementation?

The ACC Platform Implementation is tailored for construction and project management professionals seeking to enhance their workflows and collaboration. It is ideal for:

Looking for more information or a bespoke solution for your unique business needs? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Streamlining Your Projects with ACC

Implementing the Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) platform offers significant advantages for businesses in the AEC industry, enhancing project management, design collaboration, and overall efficiency.

  • Enhanced Project Management

ACC provides robust project management tools, enabling teams to streamline workflows, track progress, and ensure timely project delivery. This improves coordination and reduces project delays, which is vital for meeting deadlines and budgets.

  • Improved Design Collaboration

The ACC platform facilitates seamless design collaboration among project teams. Features like Autodesk Build and Autodesk Collaborate ensure efficient communication, model coordination, and design review processes, enhancing the quality of design outputs.

  • Centralised Document Management

With Autodesk Docs, ACC centralises all project documentation, creating a single source of truth. This ensures all team members can access the most up-to-date information, reducing errors and improving overall project accuracy.

  • Effective Change Management

ACC supports effective change management by integrating tools that track project changes, manage issues, and streamline approval workflows. This ensures that all changes are documented and communicated efficiently, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.

  • Advanced Collaboration Tools

ACC offers advanced collaboration tools like Autodesk Collaborate, allowing teams to work together in real time, whether on-site or remotely. This enhances teamwork and ensures all stakeholders are aligned, leading to better project outcomes.

  • Robust Data Security

Data security is a critical concern in construction projects. ACC ensures robust data security measures, protecting sensitive project information from unauthorised access and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

  • Proactive Risk Management

ACC helps in proactive risk management by providing predictive insights through data analytics. This allows project teams to identify potential risks early and take preventive measures, ensuring project success and safety.

Why Choose NTI Diatec?

Expertise and Support
With years of experience in the industry, NTI Diatec provides expert guidance and support to help you implement and maximise the benefits of ACC Platform Implementation.
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Tailored Solutions
We understand that every construction project is unique. Our team works closely with you to customise ACC Platform Implementation to suit your specific project requirements.
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Training and Onboarding
Our comprehensive training programs help your team get up to speed quickly, ensuring they can fully utilise all the features of ACC Platform Implementation.
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What are the Four Phases of ACC implementation?

Implementing the Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) platform is a dynamic process tailored to the specific needs of each business. Here is a general overview of the four primary phases:

Assessment and Planning

In this phase, the business's specific needs and goals are evaluated. A detailed plan is developed to align the ACC platform with these objectives, ensuring a tailored approach to implementation.

Configuration and Customisation

The ACC platform is installed and configured to meet the business's unique requirements. Custom workflows, integrations, and parameters are established to ensure the platform operates efficiently within the organisation's existing processes. The ACC platform is installed and configured to meet the business's unique requirements.

Training and Adoption

Autodesk training courses are conducted to familiarise the project team with the ACC platform. This phase ensures all users are comfortable with the new tools and workflows, promoting smooth adoption and effective utilisation.Monitoring and Optimisation

Post-implementation, the platform's performance is continuously monitored. Feedback is gathered, and adjustments are made to optimise the system for peak efficiency, ensuring that the platform continues to meet the evolving needs of the business.

A Bespoke Implementation Plan

Every business and industry has unique requirements and operates at its own pace. We can design a bespoke implementation plan to suit your project's scale, organisation size, and digital capability. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss further.